Your Program, Many Campuses
One Penn State Degree
What are Shared Programs?
Shared programs enable students to enroll in courses offered at various Commonwealth campuses, taught by instructors from across the University system. Courses are offered in various instructional modes designed to provide students and instructors with a variety of scheduled class times or asynchronous learning opportunities. At its core, Shared Programs help to fulfill the University’s mission of One Penn State.
Develop and teach courses within a shared program for students at Commonwealth campuses.
Explore program and course offerings shared among the Commonwealth campuses.
Shared Academic Programs
News & Updates
Students: Successful Zoom Students
Being an active participant in Zoom courses can be challenging – joining a class from home, a library, or a public space can be challenging and distracting. Check out these tips for helping students prepare for successful Zoom classes!
Students: Technology Needs
Your shared course may require you to log into Zoom from a location of your choice. While your phone may have the capability to connect to Zoom, joining class on a phone makes it more difficult to fully participate and engage with your instructor and peers.
Welcome to Shared Programs!
Welcome to our Shared Programs website! We hope that both students and instructors will find this site valuable as they participate in shared programs. Please keep checking the website as continue to add more programs and program information to the site.